Rising 9th-10th Graders
Camper Leader Program
The Camper Leader Program registration starts with the Brewster Day Camp online application.
BDC’s Camper Leader Program is a unique summer opportunity for our oldest campers (rising 9th and 10th graders). Participants build skills and confidence in becoming a competent leader in an adult workforce while gaining job and life skills.

The goals of the CL program are to:
PROVIDE rising 9th and 10th graders with an extended camp experience by emerging them in the Central Schedule, where they will challenge themselves physically, mentally, and creatively in all activities offered at Brewster Day Camp.
LEAD Camper Leaders in daily group discussions and training sessions that center around effective communication, leadership, and team problem-solving skills.
ENGAGE Camper Leaders in a mentor program that provides hands-on training and experience working with different age groups and programs at BDC, and a working knowledge of appropriate child development teaching strategies when working with young children.
Once accepted, all Camper Leader applicants, first-year and returning, will complete The Camper Leader Written Interview.
The purpose of the written interview is to:
PROVIDE an opportunity for campers to introduce themselves to the CL Director.
SIMULATE other written application processes, such as college or employment applications.
ENCOURAGE campers to outline personal goals for the summer and begin to define strategies to accomplish these goals at BDC.
CLP Community Service Credit
Many high schools require Community Service Hours as a minimum requirement for graduation. BDC is pleased to support these requirements by providing written documentation regarding a CL’s volunteer work with young children at camp. If you are interested in CL Community Service Credit, please contact the camp office for proper documentation of your participant hours. We are also happy to work with a school’s specific documentation needs. Community service documentation may be requested at any time throughout the summer and off-season.