Everything You Need to Be Ready for Camp
What to pack each day:
- hearty and nutritious lunch
- labeled and filled water bottle
- labeled backpack or bag containing the following:
- swimsuit
- towel(s)
- flip flops or water shoes
- warm sweatshirt and pants
- sunscreen
- insect repellant
- hat
- Shoes with closed toes should be worn TO CAMP. Most of BDC’s daily activities require that feet be covered at all times.
- Flip flops or water shoes can be worn to and from the pool and at BASE.
Rainy Days:
- During rainy days we encourage all campers to bring rain gear including:
- a raincoat or poncho
- change of clothes including:
- long pants
- Hat
- water resistant shoes
- Please, no umbrellas.
Campers on Admirals Hill may go ice skating and/or bowling and should bring long pants, socks, and a sweatshirt.
Food at BDC:
- Please pack your child with a HEARTY nutritious lunch in an insulated lunch bag or small cooler.
- BDC lunch bags may be purchased at the BDC Office.
- Each child’s lunch must include a freezer pack.
- Due to the high level of physical activity at camp, campers often eat more food during a camp lunch period then they do during the school year. Please pack extra nutritious snacks in your child’s lunch.
- If campers arrive without a lunch and a family member cannot be reached by noon time to deliver one, BDC will provide food. The family will be charged $10.00.
- BDC provides an afternoon snack to all campers at Brewster Day Camp and Mariners Hill Camp.
- Mariners Hill Camp families should also pack an insulated snack bag for their camper(s) each day. Please pack snacks for morning and afternoon, and please be sure to pack nutritious foods that your camper will eat! These children get HUNGRY during a busy, active sun-filled day at camp!
- Every camper should arrive at BDC each day with a filled water bottle.
- There are several re-filling stations on campus for campers to use throughout the day.
- BDC is an allergy aware camp. Peanuts and other allergens are present in camp snacks and camper lunches.
- BDC accommodates the special needs of individual campers by restricting food offerings and seat placement to your allergic child only.
- Please be in touch with us regarding any questions which you may have regarding our allergy policies.
If your child has a nut or other type of food allergy, PLEASE contact the BDC Office immediately if you have not done so already.

Please discuss the following BDC Camper Expectations with your campers prior to his/her arrival at camp. Camper Expectations apply to Mariners Hill Camp, Day Camp and camper Leader participants.
- All campers will come to camp prepared to take part in the full camp schedule by attending all activities and following the rules for each activity.
- All campers will use appropriate language and behavior and keep themselves, their friends, and their counselors safe and in no way endanger anyone on our campus.
- Hitting, fighting, rock throwing, harassment of any kind, verbal abuse, or swearing are prohibited at Brewster Day Camp and are grounds for immediate dismissal.
- All campers will keep their body parts in their own personal space. Sexual contact between campers will result in dismissal from camp.
Pre-Camp Reminders
- Time at camp may be added during the summer pending availability. When adding time, please do so at the BDC Office, or by accessing the CampMinder registration portal HERE.
- Parents may request copies of: Camper Health Care Policies, General Health and Safety Information, Camper Disciplinary Policies, or proof of Staff Background Checks.
- A Campus Tour may be scheduled prior to your camp start date. Tours are offered at various times, depending on the month. Please contact the BDC Office to schedule a personalized tour of camp.
- Schedule Changes are offered until May 1st. No refunds, exchanges, or reductions in tuition can or will be made, after May 1st.
- Schedule Additions may be added pending available space. Please add horseback riding by Friday prior to your desired lesson day. Trips, Sailing School, Tennis/Golf/Semi-Private Swim/SUP Lessons, may be added up to 24 hours in advance. To add time or EXTRAS to your schedule, please contact the BDC Office via email info@brewsterdaycamp.com, or visit the camp office between 8:00am and 5:00pm.
On your first day of BDC ’25…
- Enter through the main gate, and proceed to the Welcome Table, where you will be greeted by a member of the Brewster Day Camp Leadership Team!
- You will receive your free BDC T-shirt at the Welcome Table.
- A leadership team member will escort you and your camper to their hill and introduce you all to their tent counselors.
- Hours of Operation: Our campus is open from 8:00am-5:00pm daily. The scheduled camp day takes place between 8:45am-4:15pm. All campers MUST be met by their families by 5:00pm – at the latest. A $35 Late Pick-Up Fee due immediately upon pick up is assessed after 5:00pm.
- Health and Safety: The BDC Wellness Center is staffed by registered Paramedic/EMT/CRP/First Aid personnel Monday-Friday from 8:00am-5:00pm. Should your child need any type of medical care, our health team will contact you. Our camp must comply with regulations of the MA Department of Public Health and be licensed by the local Board of Health.
- Medications will only be given to your child via a trained member of the staff in the Health Center. Medications are administered at noon each day unless special arrangements are made in advance on an individual basis and approved by the Camp Director. All medications must be signed in at the Health Canter, in their original container and delivered by the registering adult directly to a Health Center staff member, who stores the medication in a locked box or locked refrigerator. Please make every effort to schedule camper medications during home hours.
- Family Swim: Our environmentally-friendly, saline/chlorine pool is open daily for Family Swim – free of charge – to camp families who wish to swim from 5:00pm-6:00pm Monday-Friday evenings, weather permitting. A Red Cross Certified Lifeguard is on duty during Family Swim.
- eWaves: Make sure that your preferred email address is on-file with the BDC Office so that you will receive your copy of eWAVES our weekly e-newsletter. eWAVES is the place to find ALL of the latest BDC news and special events/offerings for the upcoming week at camp.
- State law prohibits smoking & drug use on our campus. Our parking lot is smoke free as is our waterfront area, and the adjacent properties (church parking lot).
- Friday Morning Assemblies: Assemblies are held each Friday. Campers on the Hills (1st-10th Grade) meet at Sailors Hill assembly area from 8:50-9:30am. YCP Campers (Infant-PreK) meet at Mariners Hill from 9:30-10:00am. We sing songs, share camp traditions, and recognize camper achievement. Friends and family – young and old – are welcome!
BDC Parking Lot Procedures
Our parking lot is very busy at drop off and pick up times. We are excited to welcome you and are anxious to keep our lot safe and smooth for drivers and campers.
Please follow the directions of our trained BDC Parking Lot Attendants wearing fluorescent safety vests. They are highly skilled at keeping our parking lot safe.
Please limit your time to quick drop offs and pickups.
For the safety of all — please refrain from talking, texting, or accessing data on your devices while entering, exiting, and driving in our very busy parking lot.
- We encourage families to use the morning AND afternoon Hello and GO system near the BDC Office which expedites drop off and pick up after your child’s first camp day.
- Our Parking Lot Attendants will greet your child as he/she gets out of your car, write down any pertinent information which you would like passed along to your child’s Tent Counselor, and direct them onto campus via our brand-new safe walking path.
- When you arrive at BDC for pick-up, the Parking Lot Attendant stationed in the lower driveway will radio your child’s name to ensure your camper is signed out with their backpack in hand when you park your car.
- Your child will be released to you via his/her Tent Counselor after you park your car and come to meet your child.
- For safety reasons, please make sure that your child has been signed out on the Tent Clip Board and you have made contact with his/her TENT COUNSELOR before taking your child out of camp. Thank you for helping us to keep your child safe!
- For the health and safety of everyone – especially our planet – please turn off your car engine when you pick up your children. If you leave your engine running, a BDC Parking Lot Attendant will assist you by turning off your car engine.